
Group: DynoMotion Message: 11621 From: Santiago Date: 6/2/2015
Subject: seting a value with Kmotion
Hallo to everyone, I´m making test with Kfop and Kmotion, I conect and scale to Kflop , and I made a test to check how it works, but I found a problem, I can not set  the axis to “ 0 ” , I have a fixed number and I have no posiblility to change to a value , How can be done this action?
Regards to all.

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Group: DynoMotion Message: 11627 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 6/2/2015
Subject: Re: seting a value with Kmotion [1 Attachment]
Hi Santiago,

You are displaying Encoder Positions (blue) rather than Commanded Destinations (green).  The Zero and Set buttons will create GCode Offsets so that the Commanded Destination will be Zero or Set to the specified value.  Normally with a working system the Encoder Position should nearly be equal to the Commanded Destination.  But I suspect your system has a big difference.  

First get your Servos working correctly so that the Commanded Positions and Encoder Reading match before running KMotionCNC.

You might start by unchecking Tool Setup | Trajectory Planner | Display Encoders


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11638 From: Santiago Date: 6/5/2015
Subject: Re: seting a value with Kmotion [1 Attachment]
Hy Tom, I want to use the encoder to adjust the comander position, so  I want to use it as a DRO, but there are not posibility to change the blue value? , if I want to make a 0 , at any position there is no posibility, I have to use an external DRO display to calibrated.
So the question is, Is there any posibility to change the blue value to the one I desire or a 0 set?

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Group: DynoMotion Message: 11645 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 6/5/2015
Subject: Re: seting a value with Kmotion
Hi Santiago,

I don't understand what you are trying to do.

You can change the DRO by changing GCode offsets.

You might assign the program below to a User Button.  This should make the Commanded Destination match the Encoder Reading.  If you then push "Zero" to compute GCode Offsets to make the Destination read zero, the Encoder should also read zero (or near zero if it changed).


#include "KMotionDef.h"
